BIID Announces 2019 Conference Programme
(UK) – The annual British Institute of Interior Design conference returns on 7 November, entitled ‘What is an Interior Designer Worth?’
Taking place at 30 Euston Square, London, the conference will feature a line-up of speakers and session themes including:
Houzz presents 2019 Interior Design Fees Research
The BIID has been working with Houzz to conduct in-depth research on how designers price their services. The findings from the survey will be revealed at the conference, including statistics on how interior designers charge for their work, sourcing and supplying of FF&E, as well as when they are charging for these services.
The Big Fee Discussion
Continuing with the topic of fees, this panel discussion will see BIID members share their views on fee transparency and whether there is a ‘right’ way to price your design services. Chaired by BIID Past President Charles Leon, the discussion will cover fee proposals and different ways of pricing, fee transparency, procurement and the thorny issue of ‘kickbacks.’ BIID members Kia Stanford of Kia Designs and Brian Woulfe of Designed by Woulfe join the discussion.
In Conversation with Katharine Pooley
This year, the BIID annual conference will see award-winning British interior designer, Katharine Pooley, take to the stage in this keynote conversation. Recently announced as Designer of the Decade at The International Design and Architecture Awards, Katharine will share her interior design background, career trajectory, design inspiration, challenges and career highlights with attendees.
Designing for AirBnB; demonstrating the value of professional interior design and how it can maximise revenue
BIID Member Tamara Tymovski of Atelier Tymovski will be exploring how focussing on AirBnB and holiday let design has helped her to grow her business. She will explain how she developed this lucrative niche and how designing for this market differs from both residential and hotel design, enabling her clients to maximise their return on investment and ensure steady occupancy even in low season.
Powerful Presentations – How to add value by connecting with your clients
In a more practical session, award-winning media professional Fiona Cotterill from Alfi Media will discuss what makes a fantastic presentation and how to show your business’s worth with impact and authority. With techniques and tips on how to engage your audience, however big or small, how to command and hold attention, the influence of body language and how to create dynamic, exciting content to communicate your message with energy and style.
Knowing Your Worth – Inspiring yourself and everyone else
Knowing your worth as an interior designer stems from believing in your worth as an individual. Hosted by leadership coach and founder of Convergent Consulting, Heeral Gudka, this session will focus on how to lead yourself as well as others. From holding your ground when pricing your services, saying no to ‘opportunities’, to having the right people around you, this talk will take attendees on a journey to a place where you don’t sell yourself short; where you connect with the why which sits beneath everything you do; and where you learn how to maintain your drive in the face of inevitable challenges.
Harriet Forde, President of the BIID comments: “Each year the BIID strives to provide an engaging, insightful programme of talks and this year’s theme is sure to guarantee that. We want attendees to leave with practical advice to support them in their careers, as well as providing a platform for interior designers to share their honest views and experiences when it comes to design fees. With some exciting speakers and sessions already announced, I’m looking forward to the event in November.”
Tickets for the 2019 conference are available to book now.