darc room : live stream programme revealed
(UK) – darc room announces lecture programme will be streamed.
The darc room : live programme of live stream lectures has been announced. Featuring 38 speakers over the two days of the darc room exhibition, darc room : live is a series of quick-fire, 15-minute talks by leading lighting industry professionals.
Curated by creative consultants and lighting designers Light Collective, darc room : live will be able to be viewed live at darc room and on Light Collective’s YouTube channel, Light Collective TV.
Speakers include Keith Bradshaw, Speirs + Major; artist Liz West; Paul Traynor, Light Bureau; Cinzia Moretti, British Institute of Interior Design; Peter Fordham, DHA Designs; Inessa Demidova, Arup; Jonathan Rush, Hoare Lea; Marci Song, SEAM; Ben Rigby, Haberdashery, Monique Tollgard, Staffan Tollgard Design Group; and Chiara Carucci, Tengbom.
See the full programme here… https://www.darcroom.com/darc-room-live/
Paul James, darc room director, commented: “Light Collective have done an incredible job getting so many fantastic speakers on board. The format is exciting so I hope people will be able to come down to see it live as well as watching it online.”
darc room is London Design Festival’s lighting destination and features 50 exhibitors, 38 live stream talks and 8 workshops – all in a creative space with a unique exhibiting concept.