Surface Design Show Light Talks return
(UK) – Light School Arena returns with industry experts Hoare Lea, Nulty+, Atelier Ten and 18 Degrees.
Supported by the Institution of Lighting Professionals, opening the programme of informative talks around lighting is Stuart Alexander of Michael Grubb Studio, who’s talk Wandering Lights (Tuesday at 18.45-19.30) explores what it takes to make a positive impact on our public realm at night with lighting.
In Lighting for the Workplace in 2050 (Wednesday 15.00-15.45) Speirs + Major’s Benz Roos will ask his audience to imagine the workplace of 2050, when people might be working in virtual reality environments and so need different illumination. Various predictions indicate that artificial intelligence will replace most repetitive work. Artificial Intelligence will allow people to do different jobs and be more social. The talk will end on how the exciting opportunities, translate into real needs for today’s workplace lighting.
Later Crossrail’s Paul Kerrigan will the challenges of lighting Europe’s largest sub surface project, whilst maintaining quality, parity and safety in his talk Alight Here for Crossrail (Wednesday 17.00-17.45).
On Thursday Martina Alagna and Phil Copland, both designers at Nulty+, bring discussions back to the workplace in A Moonlit Walk in the Workplace (Thursday 14.00-14.45). By moving away from a traditional lighting approach, a more unique and human-centred workplace can be created – all it takes is a shift in perspective. Martina and Philip from Nulty+ will discuss the benefits and opportunities of rethinking the design of ever-changing working environments.
Closing the Light Talks is Jonathan Gittins who will give a fascinating insight into the Illuminated River project, the longest public art commission in the world, illuminating a number of bridges along the Thames from Albert Bridge to Tower Bridge (Thursday 15.00-15,45). Jonathan will talk about the project and provide insight into the design process and technical challenges that have been overcome in bringing the Illuminated River to life.
Registration for Surface Design Show 2019 is free and open now at